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Why we've chosen the audience we have...

We would have made this easily and readily available online for streaming. Together as a group we have contrasting ideas whether it should be paid for or not. We made a group video explaining most of it but it has yet to be uploaded unfortunately. 

The main stance of the argument was about if it was paid for, people may not care about it enough to pay for it because they wouldn't have experienced any other form of media by us. The otherside was that we would never earn enough money to create more films.

Because of the idea we were gonna release it for

streaming we believed it would be better to aim it for

the more computer savvy age market of, teenagers. 

Thing is they would need a fairly good amount of money to be willing to gamble on them enjoying or being disappointed in the film.

It helped that we aimed our target at teenagers also because we are teenagers ourselves and we know most of the things that we believe is good and bad depending on our age.


How to attract an audience.

There are many ways to attract and audience and here is a list of ways you could do this.

Include a cast member who is well known for being a great actor in the department genre of the film you are producing.

Include a cast member who has sex appeal.

Create contraversy inside the film or around the film. Maybe a delicut subject which you have attacked with two hands.

Make an event public for people to attend. A perfect example is when you see an advert for a telephone company who have dancing mobs who just spring into action in sync.

Arrive at an award ceremony or better yet, attempt to receive an award and win!

Create adverts, merchandise and posters.

Use radio interviews and television adverts to stick key scenes into the heads of the television viewers.

We gave out multiple sheets to the audience watching with questions already to answer. 

We received very good feedback, especially about the quality of voice over. Both the script and accent was received very well across the whole focus group. 

Here's a video from our assembly focus group.

Before the big assembly focus group we had a smaller focus group with the class before it was finished.

This was the first time i was ever viewed by fresh eyes. 

We shew both ending credits here and that's how we based the fact that the credits we used in the end were better then the scrapped one.

   Credits we didn't use         Credits we did use

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