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How my media challenged, followed and developed forms and conventions. 



How our Title challenged the conventions.

I had the job of creating the title we used for our opening title sequence. But our group found greatly how it doesn't really resemble even closely to what a 'regular' noir title would look like.

At the top here is multiple noir title screens which are all fairly similar. All contain LARGE and bold text in front of some sort of scenery or background. 

But our title screen (which is found below) doesn't follow the font style or the back ground imaging.

It was created by getting a thick black felt pen and almost scratching 'HIDE' on a piece of plain white paper. Then i took a photo of it then used photoshop to inverse the colours, make black and white, and use the curves to make the darks really dark and the lights even lighter.


Sam from my group decided he wanted something to follow similar to what was created for the popular indie game 'Slender' (title found on the right). Me and James agreed because it is a slightly unsettling title which should work well as the genre we're doing is a Noir Gothic Horror.

In our film we decided to use a couple of coloured scenes but for effect rather then just being lazy. 

We thought we better use black and white to show scenes of where Hyde has taken over, and just the regular colours when Jekyll is being him normal self.


But how we've broken from convention is that usually the whole film would be in black and white, because during the 1940's when noir films became popular they didn't have coloured film to expose to light, so ever since it's been seen as an unwritten law that they have to be black and white to be called a noir film.

Black and White

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